The term “Comm” beside the Nollywood script above refers to “a commissioned screenplay.” Are you new to screenwriting? Unlock your ability to tell compelling stories and amplify your screenplay formatting skills by studying our meticulously chosen screenplays tailored to take your storytelling potential to a whole new level.

If you would like to purchase and study our premium Nollywood script, please either select from the list above or visit our screenplay market to see more screenplays.


The term “spec” beside the Nollywood script above refers to “a speculative screenplay.” Are you a movie producer whose goal in the movie industry isn’t to just produce any kind of story but stories that are capable of teaching your audience valuable life lessons? Look no further because our array of beautifully crafted screenplays on this platform is what you need.

If you would like to purchase our beautifully crafted screenplay for production (movie production), please either select the screenplay listed above or visit our screenplay market to see more screenplays.

Free Downloads


These are donated screenplays from screenwriters who want their colleagues to read them for free. This script selection process isn’t as rigorous as the “Nollywood Script (Comm)” above because every donated screenplay has a 97% success rate of making it to this platform. That said, we’ll upload screenplays you can study.

If you would like to donate your screenplay, please click here, but if you would like to download a free script, please either select the screenplay listed above or visit our screenplay market to see more screenplays.